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Effortlessly track your Compound (COMP) trading performance with Botsfolio's free Compound profit calculator. Quickly calculate returns (profits or losses) on individual trades and gain a comprehensive view of your investment return by comparing it with other investment options.
Did You Know - Compound has demonstrated a degree of short-term resilience in recent weeks, closing "Red" on 18 out of the last 30 days. This suggests a potential Downward momentum within the cryptocurrency market.
Compound Investment Insight - Based on historical performance, if you had invested every time the price dropped by 35% or more, your investment would have returned -8.19% on average after year from each drop.
However, it's crucial to note that Compound's price remains highly volatile, and past performance is not indicative of future results.
Evaluating Compound's (COMP) profit potential requires a sophisticated approach that extends beyond basic calculations. Botsfolio's unique Compound investment calculator goes beyond simple calculations.
It provides a powerful comparison feature, showcasing Compound’s historical returns on investment alongside popular tech stocks and major market indexes. This holistic view empowers you to make informed decisions about your cryptocurrency investments.
Year | Open compound Price | Close compound Price | Yearly Change | Profit per compound |
2020 | $335.82 | $131.32 | -60.89% | $-204.49 |
2021 | $131.33 | $234.63 | 78.66% | $103.3 |
2022 | $234.6 | $31.83 | -86.43% | $-202.77 |
2023 | $31.83 | $57.35 | 80.19% | $25.52 |
2024 | $59.98 | $72.92 | 21.57% | $12.94 |
Such fluctuations highlight the high-risk, high-reward nature of Compound investments. While it offers the potential for substantial gains, investors must be prepared for periods of significant price volatility and potential losses.
Top performing crypto portfolios
Our user-friendly Compound profit calculator simplifies the estimation of gains or losses on your crypto investments. Whether you're assessing potential returns on a large-scale investment or analyzing the profitability of past trades, our free tool provides the necessary insights.
Follow the steps to use the calculator:
1. Input the amount of cryptocurrency invested in the designated field.
2. Enter the Compound purchase price and selling price accurately.
3. Account for any associated fees: input the investment fees incurred during acquisition and the exit fees paid upon selling the cryptocurrency.
4. View your total profit or loss instantly.
For any other challenges or questions, our team is always here to help—reach out anytime
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Compound has demonstrated both remarkable growth and significant volatility throughout its history.
Weekly swings can be equally dramatic, with a peak gain of over 81.79% in 2 Jul, 2023, contrasting with a steep -49.88% drop in 23 May, 2021.
Monthly fluctuations have seen Compound soar over 164.54% in 31 Jan, 2021 and plummet by more than -55.94% in 31 May, 2022.
Annually, Compound has delivered astonishing returns, such as the 80.19% surge in 31 Dec, 2023, while also enduring significant losses, like the -86.43% decline in 31 Dec, 2022.